Monday, April 28, 2014

Activism Ideas Vol. 2

A week ago or so, I posted some ideas for activism based upon 3 different levels including micro (personal), mezzo (interpersonal/organizational) and macro (global/societal). Here are some more ideas for you to get out there and spread the messages about loving yourself and your body to the world!


Find your own gratitude practice
Staying in the present moment is one of life's challenges and great pleasures. At times we can all get caught up in future or past and skip over the present moment. When we stay in the moment we fine-tune our process of deep listening to the wisdom of our body and the wisdom of our soul. Your gratitude practice may start with just noticing your body as it is now! Close your eyes and scan over your body starting with your toes, up to your knees, to your hips, your chest, shoulders, down to your elbows and finger tips, back to your neck, your face and your hair. See your body through what it provides for you: the ability to move, to interact with others, to work or create, to play, to love, to stroll or to run! Follow up your scan by writing a couple sentences about what you noticed and what you are grateful for. There are many ways to practice gratitude for your body which include and are not limited to: cooking a special meal, meditating while hiking through nature, journaling, having a conversation with friends. What is your gratitude practice?


Post-It Activism
Get a book of Post-its and write on each one (or as many as you want) positive messages that you want to spread to strangers in the spaces that you visit! Examples are:

      • Love your body!
      • I love your smile
      • You are beautiful
      • You are loved
      • Riots not diets! (a personal favorite) 
Post them where ever you want! On doors, on mirrors in bathrooms, on magazine covers in a book store (bonus points to those who sneak them into to diet books and "change your body" mantra type books!), on telephone poles, on ATM's, on fruit stands, be creative! I once came across one on a telephone poll in Berkeley and it brightened my day! You never know what might make the difference to someone struggling with self-love. Put your message of self-love out there!


SPEAK UP (on the Internet)
The internet is a vast landscape full of possibilities to speak your mind and speak your truth. Post comments on blogs, ask questions, go to websites of harmful products or who promote harmful messages about people's bodies and click on "contact us". Let people know about Health at Every Size. They may not already know about how messages that work to increase health for all people are much more inclusive than messages that promote healthy behaviors for people who are in privileged bodies. Speak up about how messages make you feel. Speak up for others who may be afraid to. Comment, post, write, message, speak up! You may not know what could come of it, so why not try? Spread the word that loving your body is important for all people of ALL sizes. Spread the message that everyone benefits from loving themselves!

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